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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register for every course in a semester/can I only take one or two courses?

Students are NOT required to register for every course in any given semester. They may register for three, two, or even just one course if they wish. However, students must be aware that all current courses are required in order to graduate from the first year program. Students who do not take every course in a semester may have to take missing courses later on in order to graduate. It also should be noted that the deadline for registration is the same for every student, even if they are only taking one course later in the semester.


Can I register for courses in the middle of a semester?

Registration for courses closes just before a semester begins. This means students are unable to register for courses in the middle of a semester and must wait until registration opens for the following semester.


How do volunteer credits work?

Students are required to perform at least 30 hours of volunteer service throughout the duration of their school year. This equals out to a little less than an hour a week for the whole year. This earns them three course credits towards graduation for the year. 

Volunteering can be done at any ministry organization. Volunteer hours are recorded by the students, signed by their volunteer supervisors, and turned in at the end of the year.


5833 53 Ave. Red Deer, AB, Canada T4N 4L4 1-403-340-3880

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